Building an OCR System Using RunPod Serverless

Building an OCR System Using RunPod Serverless

Learn how to build an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) system using RunPod Serverless and pre-trained models from Hugging Face to automate the processing of receipts and invoices.


Processing receipts and invoices manually is both time-consuming and prone to errors. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) systems can automate this task by extracting text from images and converting it into structured data. In this tutorial, you will learn how to build your own OCR system using RunPod Serverless and pre-trained models from Hugging Face. This system will enable you to efficiently convert images of receipts into digital invoices, streamlining your workflow and reducing manual data entry.


To complete this tutorial, you will need:

  • A RunPod account with access to RunPod Serverless.

  • Basic knowledge of Python programming.

  • Familiarity with RESTful APIs.

  • Python 3 installed on your local machine.

  • The following Python libraries installed:

    pip install requests pillow pdf2image pillow_heif argparse

Step 1 — Setting Up the RunPod Serverless Environment

First, you'll set up a serverless endpoint on RunPod. RunPod Serverless allows you to deploy and run machine learning models without managing the underlying infrastructure.

Deploying the OCR Model

After deployment, you'll receive an Endpoint ID, which you'll use to interact with the model.


Writing the InvoiceProcessor Class

Create a file named and add the following code snippets.

Importing Required Libraries

import os
import base64
import requests
from PIL import Image
import io
import pdf2image
import pillow_heif
from pathlib import Path

Converting Images to Base64

Takes in images and turns them into base64 encoded schemes that the model is able to ingeest and run inference on.

def convert_to_base64(self, file_path):
    Convert various file formats to base64.
    Supports JPEG, JPG, PDF, HEIC/HEIF formats.
    file_path = str(file_path)
    if not os.path.exists(file_path):
        raise FileNotFoundError(f"File not found: {file_path}")

    file_extension = Path(file_path).suffix.lower().replace('.', '')

    if file_extension not in self.supported_formats:
        raise ValueError(f"Unsupported file format: {file_extension}")

    # Handle PDF files
    if file_extension == 'pdf':
        images = pdf2image.convert_from_path(file_path, first_page=1, last_page=1)
        if not images:
            raise ValueError("Failed to convert PDF to image")
        img = images[0]

    # Handle HEIC/HEIF files
    elif file_extension in ['heic', 'heif']:
        heif_file = pillow_heif.read_heif(file_path)
        img = Image.frombytes(

    # Handle JPEG/JPG files
        img =

    # Convert image to RGB if necessary
    if img.mode != 'RGB':
        img = img.convert('RGB')

    # Convert to JPEG format in memory
    buffer = io.BytesIO(), format='JPEG')
    img_bytes = buffer.getvalue()

    return base64.b64encode(img_bytes).decode('utf-8')

Processing the Invoice Image

    payload = {
        "input": {
            "prompt": prompt,
            "image": encoded_image,
            "temperature": 0.1,
            "max_tokens": 1000

    response =

    if response.status_code != 200:
        raise Exception(f"RunPod API request failed: {response.text}")

    return response.json()

Batch Processing of Invoices

Option to batch process multiple receipts into a single invoice.

def batch_process_invoices(self, input_directory, endpoint_id):
    Process all supported invoice images in a directory.

        input_directory: Directory containing invoice images
        endpoint_id: RunPod endpoint ID

        List of processed invoice data
    results = []
    errors = []

    for file_path in Path(input_directory).iterdir():
        if file_path.suffix.lower().replace('.', '') in self.supported_formats:
                result = self.process_invoice_image(str(file_path), endpoint_id)
                    'data': result
            except Exception as e:
                    'error': str(e)

    if errors:
        print("Errors occurred during batch processing:")
        for error in errors:
            print(f"File: {error['file_name']} - Error: {error['error']}")

    return results

Creating a Runpod API Key

Processing a Single Image

Run the following command to process a single image:

python --api-key "your-runpod-api-key" --endpoint-id "your-endpoint-id" --input path/to/invoice.jpg


  • "your-runpod-api-key" with your actual RunPod API key.
  • "your-endpoint-id" with your endpoint ID from RunPod.
  • path/to/invoice.jpg with the path to your invoice image.

Processing a Batch of Images

To process all supported images in a directory:

python --api-key "your-runpod-api-key" --endpoint-id "your-endpoint-id" --input path/to/invoice_directory

Step 5 — Examining the Output

After running the script, you'll find JSON files in the ./output directory.

Example Output (invoice_processed.json):

  "type": "Invoice",
  "invoice_number": "12345",
  "date": "2023-10-01",
  "vendor_name": "ABC Supplies",
  "line_items": [
      "description": "Item A",
      "quantity": 2,
      "unit_price": 50.00,
      "total": 100.00
      "description": "Item B",
      "quantity": 1,
      "unit_price": 150.00,
      "total": 150.00
  "subtotal": 250.00,
  "tax_amount": 25.00,
  "total_amount": 275.00

Changing Serverless Template to New Model

If you want to change the model from hugging-faces you can update the model URL.

Step 6 — Generating Invoices from Extracted Data

Now, you can use the extracted JSON data to generate formatted invoices.

Generating a PDF Invoice

Use the ReportLab library to create a PDF invoice.

Installing ReportLab

pip install reportlab

Writing the PDF Generation Script

Create a file named and add the following code:

from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
import json

def create_invoice(json_data, output_pdf_path):
    c = canvas.Canvas(output_pdf_path, pagesize=letter)
    width, height = letter

    # Extract data from JSON
    invoice_number = json_data.get('invoice_number', 'N/A')
    date = json_data.get('date', 'N/A')
    vendor_name = json_data.get('vendor_name', 'N/A')
    total_amount = json_data.get('total_amount', 'N/A')

    # Add text to PDF
    c.drawString(50, height - 50, f"Invoice Number: {invoice_number}")
    c.drawString(50, height - 70, f"Date: {date}")
    c.drawString(50, height - 90, f"Vendor: {vendor_name}")
    c.drawString(50, height - 110, f"Total Amount: ${total_amount}")

    # Save PDF

# Usage example
with open('output/invoice_processed.json') as f:
    json_data = json.load(f)
create_invoice(json_data, 'output/invoice.pdf')

Running the PDF Generation Script

Run the following command:


This script will generate a PDF invoice based on the data extracted from your image.


In this tutorial, you built an OCR system using RunPod Serverless and a pre-trained model from Hugging Face. By automating the extraction of text from images and converting it into structured data, you've streamlined the process of generating invoices from receipts. This solution saves time and reduces the potential for errors associated with manual data entry.

Next Steps

Consider enhancing your OCR system by:

  • Improving Error Handling: Add more robust exception handling to manage edge cases.
  • Customizing Invoice Templates: Use advanced PDF generation libraries to create professional invoice layouts.
  • Integrating with Accounting Software: Connect your system to accounting platforms like QuickBooks or Xero for seamless workflow integration.

Additional Resources

By following this tutorial, you've gained hands-on experience in building an OCR system, processing images, and generating digital invoices using RunPod. This foundation opens up opportunities to explore more complex data extraction and document processing tasks.